Mastering yourself: In search of your Leadership Purpose
Mastering yourself: In search of your Leadership Purpose
February 17, 2022
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Visualize Your Leadership Compass
May 10, 2022

Are you a Boss or a Leader?

Are you a Boss or a Leader?

“There are scores of bosses, numerous managers and supervisors, but few genuine leaders” -John Antal

Throughout history, people have sought positions of power, that is, “to become the boss.”

However, in recent decades, there has arisen a new breed of leader. These emerging leaders seek positions of power not for personal gain and ego, but to change the world. They have a passion to make the world a better place, and they use their influence and power to give others a chance to succeed.

In today’s business world, there is a line that has become blurred. Leaders are managers. Bosses are leaders. That is what most people believe.

The question is: What is your definition of a leader?

There’s a fundamental difference between a boss and a leader, but throughout this article, we will guide you towards several realistic and authentic definitions of leadership, that will lead you to define your own meaning of leadership.

Leadership is Action

It is making things happen and getting teams to get things done and accomplish goals. We must be an acting agent, and not an object that is acted upon. How often are you acting on those leadership impressions? Is anyone else on your team willing to act along with you?

Leadership is Purpose

Getting to know the developing passions of your team and turning them into purpose in order to obtain measurable and successful performance. As we have shared with you in our last blog article, the importance of tracing your purpose will help you define your leadership, we invite you to read the article and put into written words your purpose.

Leadership is Motivation

Motivation is the ability to direct effort to achieve a goal. Having this quality as a leader will help you and the team. Let us not forget that motivation is not a constant. There will be days that motivation will be at its highest peak and other days you will have to scrape down under to get some motivation. It does not matter how much motivation you have, what matters is how you are using it. It is that one thing that keeps you pressing forward, despite all odds.

Leadership is Trust

Are you trusting yourself and your instinct?

Is your team trusting you?

Self-trust is essential for your leadership identity; it reinforces your potential and it is the cornerstone of all leadership. Your team is or will become your follower. If this is not your current situation, then you’re just being a manager or boss. To earn your team’s trust, as a leader, you must say what you mean, do what you say, and lead by example.

Leadership is Hope

Hope focuses on the “Why” and “How”, it starts with visions, you must instill hopeful visions of success to your team, and explain how this success will be achieved and if there are any obstacles, they can and will be overcome.

Leadership is Example

In order to win, you must motivate and invite teammates to act, in order for this domino effect to have success, you must communicate by example and word, your actions and doings will speak louder than any great speech. Some great examples of present and past time leadership are General George Washington, who never left the Army; Greta Thunberg, a Swedish girl who became a global leader for environmental issues; President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who has stood at the front line of war.

“The three most important ways to lead people are: by example… by example… by example.” – Albert Schweitzer

Leadership is Influence

It is not authority, position or rank. Influence is power, and we are not referring to that power that submits, oppresses or denigrates; but to the power that enables one to act and produce effects on the ones around you. Anyone that is willing to help others and succeed together, has powerful influence.

Leaders will sacrifice their lives for their people and fight to the end with everything they have. Whether this “fight” is to achieve company goals and results, start a new business, or hire a new team for a project.

Now, what will your definition of Boss and Leader be? Marcus Aurelius said: “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”

Here are some tips on how you can start to define your leadership:

· Craft your own personal definition to brand your leadership style for all to know.

· Communicate your definition clearly, simply and succinctly.

· Focus on a thoughtfully worded personal definition.

· Help yourself to visualize a sharper image of leadership in your mind

From the words of Socrates, “all understanding stars with a definition”, then your personal definition of leadership will set the standards for how you will lead.

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